On August 23rd the Plastic Bottle Cap Mural was installed by the Enderby Arts Centre on Cliff Avenue.
The project started two and a half years ago when EDAC board members Diane Larsen and Virginia Halper first saw plastic bottle cap murals while holidaying in Mexico. Upon their return, they presented the idea of such a project to the board and we decided to move ahead despite not having a place for it or an idea of its content.
A large metal heart was created and placed at the Courtyard Gallery to collect the bottle caps. A call went out to the residents of Enderby asking for them to participate by dropping off their bottle caps. About 7,000 caps, from large peanut butter lids to small water bottle lids, were collected in 18 months. Then came the sorting of colors and bagging them for the mural. By this spring, we still did not have a place to showcase the mural but after much discussion and contacting the owner of the vacant lot next to the Enderby Art Centre we were given permission to build a fence to hang the mural.
With Diane Larsen’s design and the assistance from members of EDAC the caps were glued down and then screwed down – which took 5,000 screws, before being placed on the fence.
We thank the public and all the volunteers who helped with the different aspects of the project. Stop by the Enderby Arts Centre and view the Plastic Bottle Cap Mural.
Your mural is beautiful! I want to make them to surround our wooden garden beds at my school. What screws did you use, what kind of board, and did you paint the design first? Thank you for any response.